
Monday, 10 December 2012

Nominated for the Liebster Award!!!

Thank you to Amanda Kilgore from 6th Grade and Going   for the nomination. 

The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It is to show new bloggers that they are appreciated, and to help spread the word about new blogs.

 There are some rules that go along with it...
1. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
2. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
3. Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4. Choose 11 blogs you love (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
5. No tag back.

 Okay, then. Let's get started.

11 Random Things About Me

1. I have played softball for more than half of my life. 
2. My partner is more than a foot taller than me. 
3. I have a small...ok, very large obsession with Taylor Swift.
4. My absolute favourite place in Australia is Byron Bay! So amazing!
5. I have traveled to 11 countries and countless number of cities. (adding two more countries to the list in less than two weeks)
6. I am a reality show junkie although it is hard to find time to watch TV. Jersey Shore, The Hills, any reality name it, I love it. 
7. My favourite book is still the Kite Runner (nothing has topped it yet).
8. I love board games, especially Cranium. This is where my competitive side comes out. 
9. I started playing a new sport (netball) at the age of 26 and although I am still developing my skills, I love every game that I play. 
10. Even though Australian's don't celebrate Halloween, it is still my favourite holiday. 
11. Fireworks make me excited every single time.

6th Grade and Going's questions for me

1. What is your favorite band? Band...hmmm that's tricky, so let me go back to my youth and say Backstreet Boys.
2. If you could do anything in life with no limitations, what would you do? I would love to teach children in developing countries and help them develop their language skills and entrepreneurship capabilities.
3. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and who would you take with you? I would love to go the Maldives with my partner.
4. What is the best moment that you have had as a teacher? There are so many, but I think the day that I left my old contract and the overwhelming thank you's from students and presents that they bought with their own allowances was just an amazing experience.
5. What is your pet peeve? When people don't change the toilet paper roll.
6. What is your favorite movie? Toss up between Dirty Dancing and Grease.
7. If you had to eat one thing every day for life what would it be? Lobster, lobster and more lobster.
8. What time do you wake up? For work, 5:50am. On the weekends, around 8am because the sun wakes me up.
9. What is/will be the name of your first born? I have no idea.
10. What did you have for breakfast today? A banana.
11. Would you choose teaching if given the chance to go back and do it all over again? Absolutely!!!

11 Questions for the People I nominate:
1. What is your favorite band?
2. If you could do anything in life with no limitations, what would you do?
3. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and who would you take with you?
4. What is the best moment that you have had as a teacher?
5. What is your pet peeve?
6. What is your favorite movie?
7. If you had to eat one thing every day for life what would it be?
8. What time do you wake up?
9. What is/will be the name of your first born?
10. What did you have for breakfast today?
11. Would you choose teaching if given the chance to go back and do it all over again?
11 Blogs that I love:

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