
Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Some Very Big News...

As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been posting in a while. The end of Term 2 was a very busy time with report cards and parent-teacher interviews but I also had something else my mind was focusing on...securing a new job!

Yes, that's right folks, I have made the big decision to change schools and positions. As of July 15th (the beginning of Term 3), I will be starting a new position at a high school! So that means that I am making the big transition from primary to secondary and I am so excited about this move. My teaching methods are actually secondary and I did teach years 10 -12 in Canada. I now will be given the opportunity to teach years 7-9 in Australia and perhaps even higher next year. Not only will I be working in a high school again, I also have been put in charge of designing and organising a literacy and numeracy intervention program for my new school, and I will be working on this with one of my previous teaching mentors. So, needless to say, I have been busy planning and coming up with brilliant ideas for my new role. 

What does this mean for my blog? Well, it might be taking a new direction in regards to the type of posts and activities I will be sharing. But I do promise to try my best with blogging and sharing new strategies and lessons that can be modified and adapted to different year levels. As you can imagine, I may be a little busy as I begin my new role, but I will try to update you on how it's going and what I am working on with my new classes.

Hope everyone in Australia has a great term break and all my American and Canadian followers have a great summer break!!!


  1. Congratulations!! It sounds like a position that will suit you perfectly. I look forward to seeing what new, creative and exciting activities you come up with.

  2. Hello - I have been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award and as part of my nomination I have nominated you. Please visit my blog and follow the instructions to be a Liebster Award blogger too!

    Kylie @ Miss Smartie Pants
