Sunday, 7 October 2012

One More Term

My blog has been on a bit of a hiatus lately as I have been on holidays. For those of you in other parts of the world, let me explain how the Australian school year works (I had to get used to the change too!).

The school year starts right at the beginning of February and goes until the end of December/Christmas. It is divided into 4 terms with a break in between each term. 

Term 1 - February & March 
***Two week break***

Term 2 - Mid-April to End of June
***Two week break***

Term 3 - Mid-July to End of September
***Two week break***

Term 4 - Mid-October to Christmas

***** Five/six week break until the next school year*****

A little different then at home in Canada... actually very different. But it is definitely enjoyable to count down the weeks until your next holiday break. And the two week breaks are great to refresh and renew. Also wonderful for short traveling, which is what I did over this break. After a quick trip to Teacher Games , my partner (who is also a teacher) and I went to the absolutely beautiful Sydney!

And tomorrow we are back to work for one more term in the 2012 school year. Bring on Term 4!

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