Tuesday, 4 September 2012

English as an Additional Language

I've been attending a number of professional development sessions on teaching English as an Additional Language learners in mainstream classes. The school that I work at has a 94% rate of EAL students. Thus, I believe that receiving EAL training and trying out these strategies is so crucial to assisting in all student's learning in my class.
*ESL (English as a Second Language) is now termed as EAL (English as an Additional Language) as many of these students know more than just two languages.

I am hoping to post as many of these strategies that I try out onto this blog. Many of the strategies that we use for EAL students in our classroom also work well for all students. They include a lot of scaffolding of tasks and differentiation of activities. Keep checking the blog for more ideas to use in your classroom.

Below is a list of a few EXCELLENT resource books that I HIGHLY recommend for teaching EAL students:

Teaching English Language Learners in Mainstream Classes by Margery Hertzberg

Grammar and Meaning by Sally Humphrey, Louise Droga, and Susan Feez

This can also be purchased on the PETAA website:

A New Grammar Companion for Teachers by Beverly Derewianka

Again from the PETAA website:

Conversations About Text
by J Rossbridge and K Rushton


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